his life as a dog

在辦公室呆呆看著這幅相,狗狗離開了,我也來不及相助,這一生坎坷啊。我寫了一首像詩的東西,當中的 “I” 不一定是我,也是你,也是每一位看盡生離死別的義工。送給你們。

his life as a dog
~his life as a dog ~
I used to know a dog
a stray dog who used to hang around the end of the block
this poor old dog
So shy to be touched
not mention wash

I used to feed him
he used to curl himself in the corner
when the darkness dim in
with no strength to lift his head
When he hear my footsteps
his tail spins

we used to talk
I know he can speak
he didn’t
cos he’s simply too weak
I looked into his eyes
with dirt around and tears inside
Then one day
he had his body pasted on the floor
words written in his eyeballs –
‘would you like to leave this city
this town dose not smell too pretty’

by the time I lost him
I realize
when god created dogs
he didn’t create home for them to live
when god created human
he didn’t create love for them to give…….