【已援助動物】NPV-2015-0730 白咀



I am an elderly retiree who feeds around 30 strays cats in several locations in Tai Po. White Mouth is a tabby and white torn cat (desexed) that I have fed for over 4 years. He is shy and timid but has a special personality, always appearing punctually at 8pm when he heard my footsteps, no matt4er typhoon or extremely bad weather.

In mid August, I noticed something wrong with White Mouth. He was eating less than usual. I brought him to vet immediately. To ensure that he would take his medication regularly. I left him under the care of a helper temporarily. (He also loves and deeds stray cats) Unfortunately on 30/08 White Mouth escaped from her house on the hilltop. We searched and never gave up hope.

A miracle happened on Nov. White Mouth appeared and looked very sick. I immediately brought him to NPV. He is now undergoing treatment (hospitalized) under the care and treatment of a very kind and considerate vet and staff. White Mouth is a tough cat that never gives up easily. He earnestly hopes to survive. His green eyes tell this. He is pleading for help.

I have no in come. I desperately plead for help to pay for White Mouth’s medical fees and funds to save him. I depend and thank all donors for their kindness and generosity.

I hope White Mouth can come home and be part of my family.




NPV-2015-0730 白咀已援助之醫療費用

NPV2015-0730 白咀已援助之醫療費用