【專欄文章】2016年6月8日 AM730 人類,應該為動物流淚

兩年多前開始在AM730 的FRESH專欄寫我的「動物緣」,第一篇題目是「動物叫男人流淚」。人也好,動物也好,有緣相交,就投放了感情。不論是友情、愛情、親情,一生難免教我們真情地哭。而我,半生人為動物流的眼淚應該比人多。只因為,人世間的事,令我憤怒多於讓我感動,但動物的遭遇,卻讓人越來越難過。


I used to know a dog

a white stray dog that used to hang around the end of the block
this poor old dog


So shy to be touched
not to mention being washed
I used to feed him
he used to curl himself in the corner
when the darkness dims in
with no strength to lift his head

When he hear my footsteps
his tail spins

we used to talk
I know he can speak
he didn’t
cos he’s simply too weak

I looked into his eyes
with dirt around and tears inside

Then one day

he had his body pasted on the floor
words written in his eyeballs –

‘would you like to leave this city
this town dose not smell too pretty’

by the time I lost him

I realize

when god created dogs

he didn’t create home for them to live
when god created human
he didn’t create love for them to give…….




動物緣 – 麥志豪
非牟利獸醫執行主席,多棲動物,人面獸心。 對香港幾乎絕望,對人生充滿希望。 滿肚密圈,老馬可能走火,惹不過。 FB: http://www.facebook.com/mark.mak.182